12-Week Visibility Mastery Experience



In a nutshell, it's a 12-week personal development & visibility experience for women entrepreneurs who want to stand in the reality of their dreams and grow their business using social media. Online visibility can only grow at the pace of inner visibility. 

Is your presence on social media giving you the results you want? I know you're craving something bigger.

What if I can help you do all of that? Let me show you the magic waiting for you.  

1. Deeper connection with yourself and your ideal client 

Recognize what is stopping your from being consistent online, first. Then, build authentic connections online from a creative, expansive level of mind.

2. Easier sales presentation as you stop being in your own way 

Yes, I will coach you around crafting engaging content that reflects your unique voice, forging authentic connections. It feels different to show up and sell from a place of excitement. 

3. Overcome the fear that are holding your back from being V.I.S.I.B.L.E

Embody an intimate love affair with becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E to yourself and your audience through creating a healthy relationship with fear

3. Community is the medicine.

When one woman rise, we all rise. Get ready to elevate with the most unconditionally loving, vulnerable, and courageous COMMUNITY of women entrepreneurs that you have ever met.

In just 12 weeks, transform your online presence into a client-magnet. Ready to create your digital footprint from inside out. Join us now! 

Magic with Social Media Love a human growth potential journey with visibility applications in your marketing and beyond. 

I want Magic with Social Media Love


Any marketing strategy can work. The real question is "why isn't yours? Or why it feels so heavy. 

Do you find yourself following what other marketing experts tell you to do when it comes to online marketing - but it feels inauthentic and forced? It can feel a bit like mixing oil and water...It won't work. You need to add YOU.

The magic of this work is that you get to heal the  STORY that is keeping you hidden and performing on social media. 

It’s time to ditch the copy and paste, the algorithm excuses & embrace your power! 

Does This Sound Like You?

  1. You stare at your computer screen wondering what to post & believing that you don't have anything to say
  2. You feel unqualified & disconnected when it comes to using the online world to accomplish big things in your business
  3. You wish you could brainstorm ideas, get  feedback, and come up with fresh online strategies for your business

Are you ready to change all of that and  say YES to yourself, to your business, to your dreams and to your future self?

Here's What You'll Get

Weekly  Training Sessions

so you can address your fears to show up as your best self on social media

Bi-Weekly tailored-to-you group coaching sessions

to untangle your mind when it comes to showing up online to promote your services.

24/7, Ongoing access to the FB group for feedback

for your ongoing support & social media missions during your program experience. 

Monthly Energy Healing Sessions

for you to find the clarity by removing energetic imbalances! 

Tools & Resources

for you to have while you're expanding your business online.  

In-Person One Day Experience

to come and have fun, connections, and a lovely meal as a way to celebrate your growth.

Here's What You'll Get

One Time-Payment of 

$ 6,000 CAD


3 Monthly Payments of

$2,200 CAD


Upgrade to VIP $15,000 CAD 

3h-Intensive and bi-weekly 1:1 sessions with AngĂ©lique for 12 weeks. - Instalment payment options available. Reach out to AngĂ©lique at [email protected] 


In Magic with SociaL Media Love®, you’ll move through 12 weeks of proven framework that combines:

🌟 curriculum-based learning that marries neuroscience, metacognition, consciousness, energetics & somatic healing protocoles
🌟 coaching to support you bi-weekly on your visibility online & in life ensuring real-time, 1-on-1 guidance about your posts, offers, or next big move.
🌟  a gym to muscle your visibility once a week with a visibility challenge
🌟 a community of women who gonna become your friends, your clients or collaborators - this is where the magic happens.

Love Notes From Clients

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 You’ve made it this far down the page, please remember this mantra:

I am worthy. I am enough. I am powerful. I get to choose.

My definition of empowerment is to consciously and consistently access our power of choice to align with who we want to be, how we want to feel, and what we want to create. 

If this aligns with you, my hope is that you choose to work with me.
I am saying YES

It's Your Choice


You’ve made it this far down the page, and even if you decide not to enroll in MAGIC WITH SOCIAL MEDIA LOVE, please remember this mantra:

I am worthy. I am enough. I am powerful. I get to choose.

My definition of empowerment is to consciously and consistently access your power of choice to align with who you want to be, how you want to feel, and what you want to create. 

You’re always one choice away. 
What will you choose?
Apply for Magic with Social Media Love

Stop For Waiting For Things To Happen

Imagine having the power to consciously shift how you feel, who you’re being, and what you’re able to achieve...no matter what’s going on in your external circumstances.

You’ll stop waiting ‘til you get more clients, ‘til you get that many likes or views, ‘til your webinars fill up,  or feel a certain way…(it’s never enough, is it?)

You won’t be relying on conditional happiness and validation anymore.

You’ll simply be:

  • Using the power of metacognition to feed yourself the thoughts you need to think to become the person you want to be online and in life
  • Cultivating a deep sense of self-trust so that you can live in an empowered state of calm, creativity, and flow - even when you go live on social media
  • Feeling more connected in your relationships online and in person and waking up every single day with a deep sense of gratitude that’s gone beyond the pages of your journal and into your state of being
  • Guiding your own evolution with self-compassion and self-forgiveness and truly embracing the beautiful humanness that you are as a woman leader wearing a marketing & visible hat everyday 
  • Stepping up, speaking up, and showing up as the visionary leader that the world needs you to be 
  • Actualizing your vision and impact while being happy, joyful, and present along the way 
  • Mom of 1
  •  Online Visibility Strategist
  • Paid Media Specialist
  • Best-Selling Author
  • TEDx Speaker
  • Journalist turned Entrepreneur
  • Emotional Healer 
  • Business Owner
  • Business Mentor
  • Founder of Social Media Love
  • Global Thought Leader