The Visibility Accelerator, a year-long, premium 1:1 program designed for women leaders transitioning from corporate excellence to commanding online presence as a coach, consultant or service provider.

This program focuses on transforming you from hidden gem to a highly visible, client-attracting force, using our unique V.I.S.I.B.L.E framework to cultivate a lucrative online ecosystem.

Dive into personalized content marketing, sales strategies, and mindset coaching, all meticulously crafted with you and for you to ensure you not only become visible but irresistibly draw clients to your thriving business.





The Visibility Accelerator, a year-long, premium 1:1 program designed for women leaders transitioning from corporate excellence to commanding online presence as a coach, a consultant or a service provider.

This program focuses on transforming you from hidden gem to a highly visible, client-attracting force, using our unique V.I.S.I.B.L.E framework to cultivate a lucrative online ecosystem.

Dive into personalized content marketing, sales strategies, and mindset coaching, all meticulously crafted with you and for you to ensure you not only become visible but irresistibly draw clients to your thriving business.


Sharing Who You Are With the World is Scary...


I used to be afraid to share my own voice. I was afraid of being judged. I know that I have something valuable to say but I was afraid to share what I know with the world.

You may have felt the same. You may have felt that you are not yet good enough. That you are not "expert" enough.

But you are already enough.

The world needs people like you with a unique voice and message.



The Visibility Accelerator 12-Month Training Program 

Here's a Recap of All That's Included in the Program



  • (3) Monthly 45-Minute 1:1 with Angélique
  • Weekly group mindset session
  • Monthly energy circles
  • Workbooks & implementation tools
  • Personalized critique and feedback on your work
  • Exclusive invitations to live and virtual events & networking opportunities
  • Done-For-You Option Package (sales funnel, video content &  weekly social media content) at preferential rates. 
  • PLUS - Participation of one member of your team
  • PLUS - Done-For-you Facebook Ads, sales page, email sequences, client testimonial interviews, content marketing video recordings, and tech support. 
Apply Now

Showing up everyday? I know that's scary. Not only do you need to put in the work. You also need to put yourself out there. And that's scary.

"What if people don't like my work?"

"What if they judge me?"

"What if they find out that I am not yet an expert in what I am doing?"

These fears are valid. 

But it doesn't mean that you should be bounded by them.


Imagine that your social media fear, technology frustration, sales process confusion, and content creation panic attacks could go away and you could fully embrace the woman you want to become online. 

If this resonates with you...


Hi, I'm Angelique Binet, the Creator of The Visibility Accelerator and Founder of Social Media Love with over 30 years of experience in journalism, PR and marketing. 

As an online visibility strategist & educator, I guide women entrepreneurs through building the foundation of an online ecosystem that supports sales, authority and growth using social media, email marketing & advertising.  

I am also  a best selling author (Behind The Power - "Hungry for more" and Are you VISIBLE?), TEDx speaker, host of Social Media Love podcast , paid media strategist, and Founder of Social Media Love.

I'm on a mission to inspire and amplify women’s visibility online and inwards - one post, one video, one belief at a time.  

I do this through coaching, content marketing, interviewing techniques and mind & body connections. 

Why is this my mission?

I believe that women leaders currently have a historical advantage to take control of their influence thanks to digital platforms where gender, skin colour and cultural heritage have no more boundaries. 

It's time to become V.I.S.I.B.L.E to yourself and to the people you can serve. 

I am a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris and the University of King's College in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

I started my career as a journalist in France as well as a Canadian television reporter.

I serve women leaders & entrepreneurs all over the world in French & in English.

I thought social media was a really scary place. You know, I can talk to anybody about what I do because I am so passionate. But anytime I want to go put things online. I thought you know it's not showing myself and where I want to be. But when I learned how to use the platforms are and how to use them after each session, it is really not that scary anymore. 

Jennifer Krueger

Founder, Estey Art Initiative Inc.

Let me take you by the hand so you can share your message with the world and monetize it. 


The Visibility Accelerator is for coaches, leaders, speakers, therapists and service providers - i.e. graphic designers, architects, accountants, coaches, leadership consultants, professionals who are already making sales. Regardless of the industry, niche or demographic you serve, the proven Visibility Accelerator methodology helps you build awareness, attract BUYERS' attention, establish trust and cultivate curiosity and desire for what you sell.


Whenever and however I feel down or up, I know I found you always at my side. Working with you and in your presence, I feel significant and noticeable. I feel growing in having my hands on the visibility job and I feel deeply, fondly likable. As an entrepreneur driving alone my company I chose you for that aliveness and sense of humanity you constantly deliver. Thank you for being you. And I thank me for have chosen you. 

Hélène Manaud

Career Coach

Program Milestones

01- Identify Your Seven V.I.S.I.B.L.E Factors

We focus on YOU and who you are becoming.

Building a business goes along depending on the relationship you have with yourself and your vision on how your mission will make this world different, right?! This is why we will clarify how to position your:

  • Voice (who you are)
  • Ideas ( what do you bring to the conversation)
  • Stories (the stories that shaped who you are)
  • Beliefs (what you believe in)
  • Leadership (who you transform people & your industry)
  • Expertise (magic sentences)

02 - Identify Your Target Audience With Leveraged Research

(Who are the lucky people who will get to buy your offers?)

When you build an online community you want to make sure to gather the right people around your message. At the end of this module, you will know exactly: 

  • who you are talking to, 
  • how to talk to them, 
  • what their dreams and challenges & resistances are, 
  • what they want and 
  • what they really need
  • how to research your ideal client online and offline 

03 - Craft Your Signature Content 

This is where you will create your content marketing process & system that works for any platforms you choose to attract, nurture and convert your leads into clients. By the end of this module, you will create a sustainable content strategy that includes: 


  • Your signature content
  • Your signature platform
  • Your signature content creation process
  • Your signature content cross promotion process


  • Your social media promotional content calendar
  • Your formula to sell with social media content
  • Your social media selling post templates

04 - Build Your 6-figure Marketing Ecosystem

Social media marketing works only when it’s harnessed to your full business ecosystem. 

In this module, you will design or refine your marketing ecosystem and organize it in a way that supports your business goals (AKA Attract, Nurture, Convert, Amplify)

  • Your sales process
  • Your email machine
  • Your website
  • Your sales pages & landing pages
  • Your social media platforms
  • Your lead magnet
  • Your sales funnel strategy

05 - Amplify Your Six Figure Growth System with Ads

Once you nail your online positioning, your ideal client profile and your signature content process, it’s time to amplify your marketing system and attract even more highly qualified leads with ads. In this module, you will learn about ads 101 including: 

  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Google Search 101

06 - Build Your Millionaire Mindset with Patience, Consistency & Belief

In other words, you will be doing the work that is required to make everything else work. As you grow your business, you grow your mindset - this is the spinal cord of growth. In this module, you will learn how to recognize your resistances and play with your fears of becoming V.I.S.I.B.L.E starting with

  • Figuring out your vision of the woman you are becoming as you build this beautiful business.
  • Learning the power of calm while getting into unknown territories such as social media and visibility
  • Taking radical conviction as you grow online and why your mission is bigger than your fears of becoming heard and seen. 
  • Building a new belief system that will help you enter the zone of discomfort that growth is about 

07 - Expand Your Influence On Others’ Platforms

Building your own audiences from your own social media platforms takes a long time and you are here for the long game. In this module, you will learn how to add a layer of audience that are not yours including: 

  • Borrowing others audiences as a guest speaker
  • Swimming in others’s audiences within groups and forums
  • Outreaching on others’ social media platforms via social selling

08 - Build Your High Performing On-Going Support System

The sooner you get help with content creation, optimization, cross-promotion and amplification the more space you have to continue building your amazing content signature and grow your business. By the end of this module, you will learn how to craft, practice, and test job offers and outreach for

  • a virtual assistant 
  • a paid media strategist
  • anyone who could help you to do less

09 - Assemble Your Dream Tool Kit

Yes, automation and content creation apps save the day. If you get new leads in your email list as you dream of your beautiful business at night, this is because you use automation or semi-automation as well as content creation tools for videos, images and audio. 

At the end of this module and throughout the course of this program you will rely on specific tools such as 

  • Facebook Creator Studio
  • Zapier
  • Email automation systems
  • Sales call scheduler etc. 
  • Zubtitle
  • Canva
  • Leadpages
  • Clickfunnel
  • Wave Video
  • Trello
  • Manychat
  • And more

Who is it not for?

  • You are looking for a cookie-cutter approach
  • You don’t have anything to sell
  • You aren’t ready to do the inner work required to become V.I.S.I.B.L.E.
  • You are not ready to commit at least 3 hours per week to working on yourself and your business 
  • You only sell products 
  • You have a lot of limiting beliefs around investing in yourself and your business and you’re not ready to let them go and lead the way to the next version of yourself and of your business.  

Who is it for?

  • You are a hell yes type of person
  • You love your fears and want to play with them
  • You are prepared to leave a digital footprint for good 
  • You are ready to invest at least $2,000-$4,000 CAD per month in growing your business
  • You already have a good network but want to learn how to get in from of new audiences
  • You know deep inside you are here to have an impact and play the long game. 
  • You know what value and transformation you can bring to your market
  • You are ready to do the work with consistency, ease and fun. 
  • You want to become VISIBLE and use your Voice, Ideas, Irresistible Offers, Beliefs, Leadership and Expertise to influence your industry and only attract/recruit your ideal client to your kingdom/business. 

At a Glimpse

What problem are you solving?

I put an end to my clients' social media fear, technology frustrations, sales process confusion, and content creation panic attacks.

How are you making their life easier?

I co-create with them a basic sales funnel, a signature platform where they share their signature content, and teach them how to sell online _ from their own platforms and from others'. When their foundation is set up, I amplify their message, reach, impact, and sales with FB Ads (and LinkedIn Ads).

Do they need to search to find those pieces themselves...or do you do it for them?

We co-create. Done for your ads, sales pages, emails, and technology to harness their marketing system to their sales system. I also make them hire VAs that I train for them to create content on a day-to-day basis when they don't want to do it.


I knew from my first Zoom call with Angelique that I need to sign up. I was inspired and the investment really has been worth it for me. Angelique knows how to target the right audience for your business. She knows how to increase traffic and sales. And she will make you dig deep and work hard. It is totally worth it. 

Emma Enman

Founder of Neezies & Kids' Clothes Designer

One Last Word From Angelique 


"How come powerhouse women keep telling me that they don't know what to say on social media?"

This was the trigger that made me decide to build The Visibility Accelerator...and make sure that a group of women like you and I can hang out together and share intentional conversations about their visibility online.

When it became clear that becoming visible on social media goes way beyond social media, I added this mindset component to my program, which was a game-changer for my business.

I went from selling my services in exchange for apples to offering 5-figure transformative offers.

When we start our business, we do it because it bridges a gap in our life (for me it was a financial gap - I lost my job twice in a row while I was a very new mum)

Then you realize that building a business goes beyond filling up your bank account, it's actually an identity reconnection where the mind and the soul can get a little feisty.

It was clear to me from that decision to build The Visibility Accelerator that women entrepreneurs deserve time and space to grow slowly not only their business but the online influencer they're becoming.

Yes, the more you grow as a person, the more your revenues grow, the more your energy grows, the more fun it is to live a life where your mission becomes the center of the action.

It's called "growth 360" at Social Media Love's.

We are women with a mission. We are women with so many hats. We are women capable of transforming into the next version of ourselves while using social media to command attention, visibility and sales.

This time together WILL change you, me and the world around you.

Are you in?

Apply Now

One Last Word From Angelique 


"How come powerhouse women keep telling me that they don't know what to say on social media?"

This was the trigger that made me decide to build The Visibility Accelerator...and make sure that a group of women like you and I can hang out together and share intentional conversations about their visibility online.

When it became clear that becoming visible on social media goes way beyond social media, I added this mindset component to my program, which was a game-changer for my business.

I went from selling my services in exchange for apples to offering 5-figure transformative offers.

When we start our business, we do it because it bridges a gap in our life (for me it was a financial gap - I lost my job twice in a row while I was a very new mum)

Then you realize that building a business goes beyond filling up your bank account, it's actually an identity reconnection where the mind and the soul can get a little feisty.

It was clear to me from that decision to build The Visibility Accelerator that women entrepreneurs deserve time and space to grow slowly not only their business but the online influencer they're becoming.

Yes, the more you grow as a person, the more your revenues grow, the more your energy grows, the more fun it is to live a life where your mission becomes the center of the action.

It's called "growth 360" at Social Media Love's.

We are women with a mission. We are women with so many hats. We are women capable of transforming into the next version of ourselves while using social media to command attention, visibility and sales.

This time together WILL change you, me and the world around you.

Are you in?